Angela Nasulea

Invatati engleza cu Angela Nasulea

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/ 10 raspunsuri corecte

Raspunsurile corecte la intrebarile pe care le-ati gresit erau:
IntrebareaRaspunsul corect
Henrietta and her husband want to HAVE AN EARLY NIGHT.    go to bed early
For Ian, the 1st of September is a RED-LETTER DAY.    a very important day
That Lonnie guy IS so THICK!    He is stupid.
Some people have to work all day long to MAKE ENDS MEET.    to have enough money to buy what they need
People think that housewives HAVE TIME ON THEIR HANDS.    have a lot fo spare time
His accomplice betrayed him and now he is BEHIND BARS.    in jail
Manfred is so shy that whenever a girl speaks to him he acts LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP.    He is clumsy.
Brenda PINCHES PENNIES and buys only indispensable things.    She is very thrifty.
Good politicians usually HAVE THE GIFT OF THE GAB.    They are excellent orators.
Yetta and Bruce got married ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT.    without thinking too much about it

Angela Nasulea - Engleza in jocuri hazlii pentru mii de copii !
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