Angela Nasulea

Invatati engleza cu Angela Nasulea

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2 / 10 raspunsuri corecte

Raspunsurile corecte la intrebarile pe care le-ati gresit erau:
IntrebareaRaspunsul corect
News agencies' employees should be IN THE KNOW.    be well-informed
Geniuses have always been AHEAD OF THEIR TIME.    They have modern ideas.
We usually TAKE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT everything Tricia says.    listen with skepticism
Could you stop telling us all those HALF-BAKED ideas of yours? We don't have time for that!    silly
You should be more responsible now, you are PAST YOUR PRIME.    You are growing old.
Larry is, indeed, A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK.    He resembles his parents a lot.
When they entered the restaurant, the band noticed there was NO ROOM TO SWING A CAT.    There was no room at all.
Yvonne LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG and suggested Rita that her husband was having an affair.    Yvonne revealed the secret.

Angela Nasulea - Engleza in jocuri hazlii pentru mii de copii !
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